- О компании / About us
About us
Locus ltd. is founded in 2011 at St.Petersburg as company which specializes in provision of industrial solutions and services for non-destructive testing. Locus is an engineering company which audits the customers’ needs, and proposes different approaches for quality inspection, prepares the methodics of inspection and provides the solution, develops and supplies the ndt products.
To perform these tasks we have highly qualified personnel with extensive background in ndt, among them Dr. of Sciences, phD in Sciences, RT, UT, MPI, PI experienced engineers with level 3 and 2. We also have in our facilities demo laboratory where our customers have possibility to make the examination of their samples and choose the optimal solution for their tasks and we test the most appropriate solutions for our customers.
Locus Ltd. is currently OEM manufacturer of x-ray ndt equipment including stationary x-ray units and manipulators, x-ray systems for inspection of different parts. Locus has license to perform works with x-ray sources. We perform projects for x-ray inspection from engineering, project design and x-ray cabinets layouts.
We also develop and supply equipment for measuring geometrical parameters of different industrial parts and active thermography equipment for testing composite parts for industry.
We also supply the equipment for magnetic particle inspection (MPI benches) and penetrant inspection (FPI lines and automatic systems).
Locus Ltd. has its own service center for warranty and post warranty services of the supplied equipment.
We cooperate with Russian and international partners all over the world.
We are located at St.Petersburg, Russia, 195220, pr.Nepokorennikh 47 lit.A, room 200H and will be happy to discuss with you possible mutual effective cooperation.